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Croatia - Hvar






3 Konobe In Hvar The May 26, 2002 New York Times travel section carried a story Sweet Music In the Sun Of Croatia by Josip Novakovich about a family's summer stay on the island of Hvar.  The story mentioned three konobe on the island.  We tried them all - and all are ***.


No 1 on this 3-restaurant hit parade is Chez Pero [***, $$], in Zarace, on the main road (see photo) a few km's from the town of Hvar.  The town has several buildings, but Pero appears to be the only resident.  The others left for work on the "mainland" or immigrated in the war.  We visited there a short time after the article publication, stayed in a hotel on the Hvar harbor.  We rented a scooter for several days to do day tours of the 42-mile long island.  Our first stop at Pero's coincided with getting a flat tire at the Zarace road sign. Chef Pero (chef at night, his daytime job is fishing) called road emergency on his cell phone.  While waiting we learned that a table (one of only two) was free the following night.  Pero took our reservation and meal order, which was whatever was to be the catch of the day.   When we returned the following night, our patio table was already set out with appetizers and a bottle of homemade wine.  The fresh catch was brought out for our inspection.  We then watched Pero cook on open fire.   Needless to say, the meal and experience was exceptional. 


The second restaurant is Konoba Vrisnik, run by the Grgicevic family,  is still further out from the town.    A third very charming establishment is [name to be supplied]     NYT also recommended Meneghello Place, on St. Clement (a small Island near Hvar harbor), for dinner.  We didn't have a chance to try it. 





Chez Pero in his "kitchen"

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© 2005 R. Abileah

Last updated February 27, 2008




The veranda at Chez Pero, Pero shows the fish before cooking.  Pero in the kitchen, and the final display of our dinner.   Fish, of course, is the house specialty.